Notice of Public Meetings
The St. Johns River Water Management District (District) will hold a series of meetings to encourage public participation in the development of the District Water Supply Plan (DWSP) 2010 and review of the draft District Water Supply Assessment (WSA) 2008. The WSA 2008 and DWSP 2010 will be designed to meet the requirements of the water supply planning provisions of Section 373, Florida Statutes. The District will carry out this public involvement process in three water supply planning areas — the northern water supply planning area, the central water supply planning area and the southern water supply planning area. The planning areas are shown on the map at the end of this memorandum. The 2008 WSA is available on the District’s Web site at

Following is information about each of the upcoming meetings. Meetings designed to address districtwide information are listed first and following meetings are grouped by individual planning areas.

Please contact David Hornsby, Ph.D., Technical Program Manager, for additional information about these meetings or the water supply planning process. Dr. Hornsby can be reached at (386) 312-2371 or

You can also access information about the water supply planning process on the District’s Web site at

For a complete meeting schedule follow this link

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